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Enjoy the feeling of deep hydration, comfort, and repair with this intensive moisture infusion. Dp Dermaceuticals HYLA ACTIVE™ is a wonder serum that reduces the appearance of fine lines and pores for a flawless finish, while also diffusing the appearance of redness and inflammation. It contains the highest concentration of our revolutionary HylaFuse™ Technology to deliver Hyaluronic Acid (HA) to optimal skin levels.

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Dermapen HOME

Plump up skin and get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, problematic skin including acne, open pores, uneven skin texture, rosacea, and more. Dermapen HOME™ is a safe and easy-to-use microneedling device for home use.



Experience amazing microneedling results with the skincare essentials, now conveniently available in one easy skincare kit. Our Starter Kit is the way to go for gorgeous glowing skin with Dp Dermaceuticals.



Reduce the downtime after a procedure and enjoy flawless foundation coverage with SPF for everyday use. The SPF 30/PA+++ shields you from harmful UV rays. Available in 11 versatile shades, including clear. Instantly cools and hydrates skin while covering up redness and irritation following any rejuvenation treatment. Clinically formulated foundation with medicating actives. Suitable for daily wear.

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This superb blend of antioxidants works like an environmental shield, guarding against free radical attacks resulting from both natural and environmental factors. Dp Dermaceuticals ANTIOXIDANT COCKTAIL™ is your must-have serum to reverse the signs of ageing, brighten skin tone and tighten loose skin.

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This powerful solution contains the highest form of retinoid available without a prescription, Retinaldehyde (Vitamin A). RETINAL ACTIVE is a must-have lifting face cream, combining repair and rejuvenation properties and anti-ageing antioxidants. Use in the evening on combination, aged, wrinkled, or pigmented skin.

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CLINIPREP+ is based on ground-breaking technology that offers significant benefits over existing medical skin disinfectants and pre-procedure cleansers. It delivers far better and quicker protection against infection than traditional skin cleansing products such as Iodine and Chlorhexidine Gluconate. This Hypochlorous Acid spray with superior microbicidal, fungicidal, virucidal, and sporicidal capability is non-irritating to the skin because the human immune system uses the same hypochlorous chemistry to fight infection. The stable skin-neutral pH equals a proven shelf-life, which can be hard to find in HOCI-based products. CLINIPREP+ doesn’t contain alcohol, eliminating any stinging, sensitivity, irritation or dryness of the skin and eyes. Nor does it cause respiratory irritation. The addition of Colloidal Silver in the new and improved CLINIPREP+ formula means that NO Phosphoric Acid is required for preservation. Unlike some skin cleansers, CLINIPREP+ is noncytotoxic to regrowing skin – it kills the pathogens that inhibit skin recovery but does not interfere with cell regrowth. As a result, it’s especially beneficial in applications where skin could be vulnerable to infection during recovery, such as microneedling or chemical peels. CLINIPREP+ is part of the DermapenWorld ACM™ (Anti-Contamination Management) Initiatives. It’s also safe and effective antimicrobial cleaning option for Dermapen™ devices. The new, improved formula is now available in an ECO-friendly BOV Airless Continuous Spray Can. Not only does this improve the stability of the product, but it also allows for an effective 360° application — perfect for in-clinic application and upright at-home or in-flight applications. Key Benefits Optimal hygiene and safety Provides the ideal condition for rapid skin rejuvenation Non-susceptible to antimicrobial resistance Non-staining, stinging or irritating Bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal, sporicidal Stable skin-neutral pH Dermatologically tested No alcohol, fragrances or Phosphoric Acid Noncytotoxic to regrowing skin Added Colloidal Silver for increased efficiency
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Loaded with antioxidants including Vitamin C, and mineral-rich organic clays, this professional-strength mask is designed to brighten and restore radiance in lack-lustre skin. It visibly improves the appearance of dark spots, blemishes, aged & sun-damaged complexions for a healthy glow.

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A gentle, nourishing clay face mask formulated for oily and problematic skin types. Designed for home use, the clay and charcoal ingredients effectively draw out toxins and excess oil leaving a clarified complexion.

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A hydrating and deeply nourishing sunscreen your skin will love. Formulated from zinc oxide and antioxidant-rich botanical extracts, protect your skin from harmful UV rays with SPF 50 while locking in moisture. Perfect to use all over—face and body.

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MyDermapen Needle Cartridge - Box of 5

myDermapen uses the highest quality 33-gauge gamma sterilised stainless steel needles. Each replacement MyDermapen NEEDLE CARTRIDGE contains 12 ultra-fine needles for faster and pain-free treatments. Each pack contains 5 cartridges. *Pen not included.

Be mindful these needles are not suitable to the new Dermapen HOME.



A moisturiser that exfoliates at the same time, CLR LOTION™ removes acne-causing impurities and reduces excess oil. The key ingredient, Niacinamide, has been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of acne. The go-to moisturiser lotion for oily, pigmented, combination, or acne-prone skin.

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