Online Orders
Online Orders Updates
After you’ve placed your order, we regret that we are not able to make any modifications, additions, or alterations to it. This means we can’t change the items in your order, add new products, or adjust any details like shipping information once the order has been confirmed. If your order has already entered the processing stage and you would like to return a product for any reason, our Customer Service team is here to help. Please feel free to reach out to us through this link with any inquiries or concerns you might have. We’ll do our best to assist you and guide you through the return process.
Products Availability
We do our best to keep your favourite beauty products readily available, but occasionally, certain items may temporarily go out of stock due to high demand. If the product you're looking for isn’t currently available online, you can use the ‘Notify Me’ option on the product page. Just enter your email, and we’ll notify you as soon as the item is back in stock on our website.
Additionally, you can check with one of our Authorised Treatment Provider clinics, where our products are also carried. To find a clinic near you, click here and explore a location that can assist you in finding the items you need.
Bonus Sample Treats
Don’t miss out on our delightful free samples! We’re excited to offer you a little something extra with your purchase. When you spend over $200, you’ll receive not one, but two complimentary samples, so you can discover just how incredible our products truly are. And if you go all out and spend over $400, we’ll add four samples to your order, giving you an even bigger chance to try out more of our fabulous goodies. We want you to experience firsthand how amazing they are, because we’re confident that once you give them a try, you’ll fall in love just like we have. Treat yourself and enjoy a little extra joy in your package!
Don’t forget to choose your samples before finalising your checkout.
Ingredient Notice
Occasionally, we update and improve our products, which may involve slight modifications to the ingredients we use. While we strive to keep our website as current as possible with these updates, the most accurate and reliable source of information will always be the product packaging itself. This is where you'll find the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of ingredients. If you’d like to confirm a particular ingredient or have any specific concerns, our dedicated customer service team is readily available to assist. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here, and we’ll be more than happy to provide the information you need to make an informed choice.
Professional Orders
If you are a professional and would like to buy DermapenWorld products for your clinic, please reach out here.