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Official Online Dermapen Microneedling Training Course
We’ve compacted all our years of research, testing, and innovating into 6 modules so you walk away with a thorough understanding of microneedling and what it means to safely and effectively perform microneedling procedures. We’ll walk you through:
The Dermapen Range
Skin and Microneedling – the Basics
Microneedling Treatment Indications & Contraindications
Anaesthetic Safety and Topical Applications
Dermapen Treatment Procedure
Treatment Recovery & Post-Operative Care
Once you have completed and passed all 6 modules, you’ll receive a personalised course certificate from the innovators of the original Dermapen. Note: Email addresses can't be shared between students. To enroll in this course you need to register with an email that hasn't been used before in our training platform. This is a DermapenWorld-endorsed course, but we cannot confirm or categorically state from country to country if a particular course is recognised by local authorities. The equipment is not included in the course.

Dp Dermaceuticals L.E.D. HAND
Looking for the best treatment for wrinkled hands? Dp Dermaceuticals L.E.D. HAND™ is a comfortable, flexible and fully portable silicone mask that delivers rejuvenating red (633nm) and near-infrared (830nm) light. Clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, and pigmentation and improve skin tone and texture with non-invasive light therapy.
A single 10-minute session with our L.E.D. HAND mask leaves your skin feeling plumper, hydrated and visibly glowing. Prolonged use is proven to help alleviate pain as it increases blood flow and relaxes muscles.

Dp Dermaceuticals L.E.D. NECK & DÉCOLLETÉ
Looking for an effective neck treatment for wrinkles? Dp Dermaceuticals L.E.D. NECK & DÉCOLLETÉ™ is a comfortable, flexible and fully portable silicone mask that delivers rejuvenating red (633nm) and near-infrared (830nm) light.
A single 10-minute session leaves your skin feeling plumper, more hydrated and youthful, with visibly smoothed and lightened dark spots and pigmentation. An additional benefit of L.E.D. is its proven ability to help alleviate pain as it increases blood flow and relaxes muscles.

Contour, tighten, and improve your complexion with our luxurious blue Stimulating Sodalite Stone (SSS) face roller. Enhance the effectiveness of your beauty routine by promoting circulation and encourageing skin cell rejuvenation.

All the tools you need to work your cleanser into your skin. This lush, eco-friendly cleansing set comes with Konjac sponge, reusable bamboo cotton cleansing pads and washbag. Introduce this luxurious, eco-friendly approach to your daily skincare routine.

Now you can get visibly glowing results in just 10 days with Dp Dermaceuticals PERMIFUSE™ masks and BIOME FACIAL MIST™.

Now you can get visibly glowing results in just 10 days with Dp Dermaceuticals PERMIFUSE™ masks, BIOME FACIAL MIST™ and Dermapen HOME™ + STARTER KIT.

Get 10% off with the EXO-GROW Set. This collection delivers clinically proven, science-backed solutions to address hair loss, improve scalp health, and restore confidence.

Enjoy the feeling of deep hydration, comfort, and repair with this intensive moisture infusion. Dp Dermaceuticals HYLA ACTIVE™ is a wonder serum that reduces the appearance of fine lines and pores for a flawless finish, while also diffusing the appearance of redness and inflammation. It contains the highest concentration of our revolutionary HylaFuse™ Technology to deliver Hyaluronic Acid (HA) to optimal skin levels.

TRI-PHASE CLEANSER™’s revolutionary transformation technology locks moisture into your skin while removing makeup and impurities. As water is added, it transforms on your face from balm to gel to milk. Suitable for use on normal, combination and dry skin, our gentle face cleanser reduces the visible signs of ageing, pigmentation and dehydration.

Specially formulated for problematic skin, CLR FOAM CLEANSER™ regulates oil production, minimises pores and helps kill P-acne bacteria. This calming and refreshing cleanser restores balance to oily, combination or acne and pimple-prone skin.

Containing bamboo extract that is rich in silica, MICRO DERM EXFOLIANT™ rapidly purifies, clarifies and cleanses skin to reveal a renewed and healthier-looking complexion. Our signature face exfoliant removes dulling residue and dead skin cells for a brightened complexion. Leaves all skin types feeling purified and velvety smooth.